Process & Program Options

A program that suits your needs

The job search isn’t the same for every executive. 20/20 Foresight offers several executive marketing programs, and we’ll work with you to determine which best suits you. Our programs allow us to search job markets in your area, across the country or around the world. We also can uncover opportunities outside of your current industry.
Search reach
Up to 5 metropolitan 
areas or states
No geographic restrictions
Personal introductions by a senior consultant
Career counseling
Resume creation
Social media branding
Marketing services
Campaigns via email and telephone
Campaigns via email and telephone
Interview coaching hours
Offer negotiation
Guarantee period in new role
25 months
25 months


  • Search up to 5 metropolitan areas or states
  • Personal introductions by a senior consultant
  • Career counseling
  • Resume creation
  • Social media branding
  • Personal e-marketing and telephone campaigns
  • Unlimited interview coaching hours
  • Offer negotiation
  • 25 month guarantee in your new role


  • Search for your new position globally, without geographic restrictions
  • Personal introductions by a senior consultant
  • Career counseling
  • Resume creation
  • Social media branding
  • Personal e-marketing and telephone campaigns
  • Unlimited interview coaching hours
  • Offer negotiation
  • 25 month guarantee in your new role

1. Identify skills, experience and career goals

Evaluate Career History & Skills

Through one-on one discussions, your consultant will gather information on your work history and experience. Additionally, you will complete a skills assessment as well as a self-evaluation. We also research your references to ensure they are enhancing your candidacy. In many cases, our clients are shocked to learn that the references they rely on are not as positive as they originally thought. Where this is the case, we work with you to compile new references.

Conduct Personality Profile & Psychological Testing

We will ask you to complete a personality profile and psychological assessment. These tests help guide our career counseling. Equally important, we use this as a tool to make sure you perform well if a prospective employer requires a similar test.

Provide Strategic Career Counseling

Based on our evaluations and in-depth discussions with you, we determine your strengths and areas in need of improvement. We work together to develop a career path that aligns with your unique skill set and goals.

2. Craft and execute an action plan

Create Resume(s)

We often create multiple versions of your resume to help market you for different positions in different industries. We know what hiring managers are looking for, so we know how to make your resume compelling.

Perfect Social Media Presence

We create a polished social media presence which is aligned with your resume and communicates your accomplishments.

Target Companies

We leverage technology and our proprietary database to target at least 2,000 companies. We have the most extensive database of hiring contacts as well as long term relationships with recruiters and hiring managers, so you can be certain that your profile reaches the right people.

Implement Executive Marketing

Your Consultant will create a personalized branding campaign to market your skills, reaching out to thousands of hiring contacts and executives on your behalf. With 20/20’s Executive Power Center, you can track the status of your job search online at any time — contacts, leads, interviews, coaching sessions, and more all in one easy-to access online site.

3. Secure the optimal offer

Provide Extensive One-on-One Interview Coaching

Most professionals need to refresh their interview skills. Through mock interviews and specific response preparation, we make sure you can handle the toughest interview.

Negotiation the Optimal Offer

Using our industry knowledge, we help you negotiate the optimal compensation package.

The Executive Power Center

Searching for a job at the executive level is a complex endeavor with many moving parts. To help streamline the process, 20/20 created the Executive Power Center. This client portal centralizes all elements of your job search in one easy-to-navigate site.


  • Job leads
  • Contact information
  • Details on prospective companies
  • Resume(s)
  • Library of curated articles
  • Personally branded collateral
  • Calendar which tracks coaching sessions, status calls with your consultant, daily to-do lists, and interviews


From the Executive Power Center, you can review job leads and handpick companies of interest. You are in control.


No more searching through emails for a phone number or keeping lists on scraps of paper. Now, your entire job search is available at the touch of a button.